Campus Safety and Security
Mission Statement

The Campus Safety and Security Department at Terra State Community College provides
a safe and secure environment for all members of the Terra State family, including
students, faculty, staff and campus visitors. The Office of Campus Safety and Security
supports student learning by ensuring a safe and secure environment on campus by enforcing
the policies and regulations set by the college. The Campus Safety and Security Department
is located on the first floor of the Engineering Technologies Building, E104 and is
staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
The College encourages anyone who believes a crime or violation of college policy
has occurred to report it to either the Fremont Police Department or Campus Safety
and Security Department.
Campus Safety and Security has a close working relationship with the Fremont Police, Sandusky County Sheriff Department and Fremont Fire Department. Campus Safety and Security Officers are not police officers and do not maintain legal authority to arrest individuals. They do maintain the authority to detain any individual(s) if the need arises.
The Campus Safety and Security Department’s responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
Securing on campus buildings, and the Terra Village Landings
Responding to any emergency on campus, fire alarms, maintenance situations, panic alarms, and elevator alarms
Providing student, faculty/staff/visitors escorts on campus
Providing background checks for incoming or graduating nursing, HIT, Medical Assisting, Phlebotomy, and felony application students.
Enforcement of the Terra State Community College's policies. Student code of conduct and regulations
Traffic control for Terra State Community College events, or community events if deemed necessary.
Maintaining a safe and secure environment for the campus community
Important Information for Main Campus and The Terra Village Landings
BCI/FBI Background Check Information
Campus Safety and Security responders are available to provide escort services to and from any location on Terra State Community College grounds and The Landings. Please be patient when calling, as we may be busy handling other calls.
Keys Locked in Your Vehicle
If you lock your keys in your vehicle, Fremont Police Department at 419.332.6464 to come out and assist you, as long as you are the owner of the vehicle, if you are not the owner, you will need to have the owner present. If the owner cannot be present, you will need to contact Triple AAA at 1.888.222.6446.
Locked Out of Landings
If you are locked out of your room, please contact the Office of Residential Life for assistance or the RA on duty at 567.314.9209.
Stay Safe
- Program your phone with Campus Safety and Security’s number, 419.559.2253
- Do not opt out of the Terra State Community College Terra Alert
- Call for an Escort when walking alone at night or anytime you feel uncomfortable.
- Know your surroundings
- Report anything you deem suspicious
- Remove yourself from unsafe conditions and report them
Steps to enhance personal safety
When in any public place, keep these general safety tips in mind:
- Alcohol and other drugs can impair your perceptions and decision-making. Do not place yourself in a vulnerable position by being intoxicated or under the influence of other drugs.
- Travel in groups late at night. Often, there is safety in numbers. If you are going to separate from your group, tell someone when you will return. Take a cell phone.
- If you feel threatened, cross the street or enter a store or business.
- Have your keys in hand as you approach your car. Check under the car and the back seat before you enter.
- Stash valuables in your trunk.
In the Terra Landings:
Always lock your door; even when you’re sleeping or just going down the hall.
Do not allow strangers to enter your room or your complex. Do not open your door unless you can identify the person seeking entry.
Do not prop any exterior doors open to allow unescorted visitors into the residence hall.
Report lost or stolen residence hall keys immediately to your residence hall staff.
Report any malfunctioning locks, doors or windows to your residence life staff.
Do not leave your keys lying around in your room when you are not in the room.
Do not leave messages on your door about when you will be returning to your room.
End of the term? Load your car up just before you leave rather than the night before. You never want valuables be in plain view in your vehicle.
Out and about:
Use the campus escort service. Campus Safety and Security staff will escort students between campus locations during all patrol hours.
If you feel threatened or if you want to report something suspicious, report it to Campus Safety and Security.
Notify the, RA, Housing Director and Campus Safety and Security if you notice anything suspicious or unusual.
Naloxone Awareness:
With a goal of raising awareness, supporting communities in the fight against drug addiction, Terra State Community College Campus Safety & Security carries and has access to Naloxone.
The Life You Save May Be Someone You Love. Overdoses affect people from all walks of life. They could happen to your neighbors, your family or your friends. That’s why carrying naloxone could be the most important decision you make. Naloxone, the generic form of NARCAN®, is a medication that can reverse an opioid overdose.
To learn more information or locations of Naloxone on campus, please contact the Campus Safety & Security Department at 419-559-2253, or please visit us in E104.
Terra State Alert System
Inclement Weather
Annual Security Reports
Basic Emergency Procedures
Report a Concern
Drug and Alcohol Prevention
Program (DAAPP)
Behavioral Intervention
Team (BIT)
Contact Information:
- Contact by phone at 419.559.2253 or 2253 from any campus phone.
- The Sandusky County Regional Dispatch Center 419.334.6432.
- The Fremont Police Department 419.332.6464.
- 9-911 from any on campus main college telephone if it is an emergency.