Kyle Dukeshire, '11

From CCP student to Lead Customer Design Engineer at Tiffin Metal Products

I tell everybody I know that this is the place to go, especially if you are in high school. If you have an opportunity to get free college credit, especially at Terra State, why wouldn’t you?" ~ Kyle Dukeshire

Kyle Dukeshire began his college career as a College Credit Plus (CCP) student at Terra State Community College through Fremont Ross High School. “I was taking computer aided design (CAD) at the tech center,” Kyle recalls. “I always wanted to do something with engineering. I knew what I wanted to do at an early age. When I saw the opportunity to take classes while in high school, it was a no-brainer.”

When he graduated from Fremont Ross, he was still less than a year away from earning his associate degree at Terra State. With the encouragement of his parents, Kyle headed for Kent State University. He spent three years on the main campus studying engineering. As Kyle neared the start of his fourth year, he was informed by the university that his classes had been moved from the main campus to a satellite campus that was over sixty miles away. Instead of commuting or moving to the satellite campus, Kyle chose to return to Fremont.

Once back in Fremont, Kyle spoke to a few administrators and former instructors at Terra State who convinced him to finish his associate degree. “All of my professors were fantastic,” Kyle says. “They cared. If you were having a down day, they gave you a chance to catch up. They were always available and not for just school. If you needed help with your personal life, they said to reach out to them and it was ok. It changed my outlook on college.” Kyle graduated in 2011 with an Associate in Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering, along with a Certificate in CAD/CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing.)

  • Manufacturing Engineering icon
  • Calendar icon
    Average Length of Study

    2 years, Full time

  • Cost icon
    Average Cost




  • Employer icon

    Tiffin Metal Products

  • Job title icon
    Job Title

    Lead Customer Design Engineer

  • Salary icon
    Salary Potential

    Up to $123,726*

Kyle Dukeshire video link

During his last semester at Terra State, Kyle began working at Tiffin Metal Products on an internship basis that led to a full-time job with the company after six months. He has performed a variety of duties. Kyle began in product design then moved to the Quality Manager position. “I did that for two years in order to get the company ISO certification. Once I did that, I returned to product design.” Now, Kyle is the Lead Customer Design Engineer.

Kyle is a huge proponent for Terra State, including the CCP program. “Terra State has been a part of my life for a long time,” he says. “I tell everybody I know that this is the place to go, especially if you are in high school. If you have an opportunity to get free college credit, especially at Terra State, why wouldn’t you?”

As Kyle looks towards his future, he plans to stay at Tiffin Metal Products. “I really want to stay there. I see many good things coming. I’ve been told I am a key player.” Outside of work, Kyle plans to be active in the community. “Fremont is a really good community and you get back what you put in.”

*Possible salary information based on averages from