Veterans Education Benefits, Rights, & Responsibilities

Terra State Community College students with veteran benefits eligibility through the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) may be certified to receive VA educational benefits.

General Veteran and Service Member Benefit Information at Terra State

If you are a veteran, service member, or eligible dependent and wish to enroll, you should:

  1. Complete the VA Application Form for Education Benefits. The VA application form is available online at  This form should be completed at least 30 days before the start of the semester. It can be completed after this deadline, but their may be a delay in benefits.
  2. Currently active Service Members should contact their Educational Services Officer (ESO) or work with their leadership to review/confirm their education benefit eligabilty before enrolling in classes. 
  3. Any Veteran with a login can access their decision letter online. Check out this video for information on how to use the Decision Letter Download Tool:
  4. Provide a copy of the Veteran's Authorization for Separation from Active Duty (DD-214) and Certificate of Eligibility (COE) or Notice of Basic Eligibility (NOBE).
  5. Contact our School Certifying Official (SCO) at or 419.559.2347.
  6. Meet with your advisor to ensure you are meeting the curriculum requirements in your program of study.

Every semester, an SCO reviews and then certifies each veteran for the number of credit hours taken in their approved program. Students receiving benefits are required to notify the College’s SCO every term they want to use their benefits. An email from the student’s Terra State-provided email address is preferred.

Applying for Education Benefits

Veteran Student Rights and Responsibilities

In-State Tuition Eligibility

Eligibility for In-State Tuition is defined by Ohio Administrative Code 3333-1-10 Ohio Student Residency for State Subsidy and Tuition Surcharge. The rule requiring twelve consecutive months for proof of Ohio domicile, may be waived in some cases for Service Members and Veterans. This means that the qualifying student needs to show residency in the State of Ohio no later than the 1st day of the term, instead of twelve months prior.

Possible Rules and Exceptions for Service Members, Veterans, and their dependents.

Responsibilities of Veteran Students

While enrolled in classes at Terra State Community College, you should be sure to:

  • Consult an academic advisor every semester and enroll in courses meeting the curriculum requirements of your program of study;
  • Attend classes regularly and complete course requirements satisfactorily to continue receiving VA benefits;
  • Contact an SCO when you want to
    • Register for classes
    • Make a schedule change (add or drop classes)
    • Withdraw completely from classes
    • Stop attending classes on a regular basis
    • Change name, address and/or telephone number
    • Change educational major
    • Have any concerns or questions about VA benefits

It is critical that you communicate regularly with the SCO, as complete and proper paperwork is required to receive VA benefits.

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by the VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at


Veteran Questions, Advising, and Certifications